Sunday 3 July 2022

Blue Change

Looking back, 2020 was a pretty shitty year for a lot of reasons, but looking back at this blog and it seems that there were some good records that came out. One of my favourites of the year was the debut LP from Change, 'Closer Still'. A great straight edge hardcore record which looks every bit as great as it sounds. Back when it came out I only intended to buy one copy, but then picked up a second copy just because I wanted a purple one. But I never planned on trying to collect more copies. Well, sometimes the universe conspires against my plans, and I have now ended up with a third copy.

At some point over a year ago, I got a message from Mike asking if I wanted a blue vinyl second press copy. It's been so long that I can't remember exactly what happened, but somehow he ended up with a second copy and asked me if I wanted it, and even though I wasn't really wanting to collect this record, I found it impossible to say no.

I'm convinced that they were trying to recreate the Youth Of Today 'Break Down The Walls' blue vinyl with this one, but that's such a unique shade of blue that pretty much no other record on earth looks close. This one is on a really interesting colour though, and I'm glad to have one. Damnit Mike, always tempting me to add more records to my shelf.

Now, who's holding a pink one that they no longer need?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Initially, I thought that Deathwish sent me two separate packages with this record by mistake, and figured that I'd pass along my good luck. Turns out, I forgot that I'd ordered a copy and so I then ordered a second one, so I was just passing along the result of my poor memory. Glad that you enjoy it!