Most of you probably either know about these records already. And if you don't then you're probably not interested. So I'm gonna keep this short...
In the run up to Halloween (which is a day I couldn't give a flying f*ck about), Organized Crime Records put up a pre-order for a special Integrity Halloween package. The contents were a secret. The idea was that if you liked Integrity then you just hand over some money to the label and you should theoretically receive something that you will like. Well, I thought about it for a few days, then paid the money... and then received an email telling me that the special package was all sold out. I then got a refund.
A couple of weeks later dudes started posting pictures of what they received and I was pretty gutted. The package contained some glow in the dark Integrity records. Damn it. There were only about 70 or 75 made, so I figured that I would have no intention but to turn to ebay at some point. But then, out of the blue, I got an email from a nice chap who I had met once before in real (non internet) life, telling me that he had got he package but wasn't actually too fussed about it, and telling me I could have it if I wanted. We tried to arrange a trade, but unfortunately I couldn't help him with anything he wanted, so in the end he just sold me the records for the same price he paid. Very generous indeed.
So here it is - the Integrity Halloween 2010 package. A mailer, t-shirt and two glow int he dark records:
And yes, they really do glow in the dark. It's not easy to get photos seeing as when you turn the lights off, the camera can't pick anything up. But after playing about I finally got a result. Here's the before, with the lights on:
And here's the after, with the lights off:
Cool huh?