Wednesday 20 July 2022

You're Gone

Mudhoney was one of the first bands that I really heavily got into. My early fascination with colour vinyl records was in part due to the colour Sub Pop records that had become relatively well known at the time, and were relatively commonplace in the many record stores in Camden that I used to visit, and I started trying to collect color vinyl Mudhoney records. I've said this before, but a couple of years later I got into straight edge hardcore and decided that Mudhoney was hippy shite, so I sold all the records. And then a few more years later I realised that I had made a mistake and started trying to collect them all again. And I'm still going... although I am only interested in their early releases. So here's one I never had before, a copy of the 'You're Gone' 7" on purple vinyl.

I used to have this on pink vinyl when I was young, and picked one of those up to replace the copy I sold many years ago. And for the longest time I thought that pink was the only colour that existed. But then at some point I discovered John Pette's Sub Pop discography and discovered for the first time that there were other, rarer colours of this record. Numbers are unknown, but purple is definitely rarer than pink.

There is also a green vinyl version, which is much rarer (and more expensive if it ever appears). I'm still hoping to find one at some point. But for now, I'm stoked as hell on this purple one.

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