So after rediscovering the Explosion LP (in my last post) I also had a quick scan through the other Jade Tree releases I own to see if there was anything else that I'd forgotten. The answer was a resounding 'yes'. I listened to the Trial By Fire 'Ringing In The Dawn' LP and was instantly annoyed at myself for forgetting how good it is. And once again, a quick look on discogs I found a solid yellow vinyl copy being sold by a UK seller for a crazy low price, so I just bought it.
This record came out back in 2002 and I got it directly from the label. I was sent one of the clear copies, so I was happy to be able to upgrade to this superior solid colour.
Just like the Explosion LP, I now have a solid yellow to go with my clear yellow/orange copy. I think the clear copy was feeling a bit neglected having not been touched for about 20 years, so its probably happy to have a friend to keep it company.
I remember seeing this band live back when they toured this record in September 2002. I have pretty much no memory of anything other than the singer was a big dude with a beard. Musically this is very much in the same ballpark as Paint It Black, Kid Dynamite, etc. So they seemed right at home on Jade Tree. I guess part of the reason that I forgot about this one is that the band seemed to do nothing else after this, which is a shame.