Still catching up on my backlog, here's one I got a long ass time ago... the Supertouch 'Live on WNYU 1988' LP. This one came out on 17 March 2011, which was a date selected because it was exactly 21 years to the day after these songs were recorded. I'm not sure exactly how this vinyl version came about, but it was released by a new and unknown label, Horror Hotel Productions, and the release was not very well publicised. Still, I managed to pick up on this early enough to bag me a couple of copies.
There were 500 copies made in total. The first 200 were on red vinyl, the remaining 300 were on black. However, I think that there were also 50 release show versions... although, to be honest, I'm not sure on this - I think there may have actually been 100 release show versions, 50 of which come in a white sleeve, and 50 of which come in a black sleeve. I'm not sure, mind. But were there 300 black vinyl in a regular sleeve and then an additional 100 black vinyl in release show sleeves (making 400 black), or were there 200 black in a regular sleeve and then 100 with the release sleeves? Does anyone know? Does anyone other than me care? Sometimes I doubt it.

As much as I like Supertouch though, I have to say that this LP is pretty dull aesthetically. The front cover is alright I guess, but the back is a bit boring, the labels are boring, and there's no insert of any kind. I dunno, I figure that releasing something on the 21st anniversary would have meant that there would be some kind of information included. Something. Not nothing. So overall I'm seeing this as a good one to have on vinyl, but at the same time, it's hardly great. A missed opportunity I would say.
Also, the label's online store meant that it was not possible to order one red and one black copy. So I placed an order and got sent red vinyl only. I still have a spare red if someone wants to make a trade for a black one.