Friday 24 May 2024

Normal Carpet Ride

One of the things I love about the old Sub Pop 7"s is that there were lots of releases by bands from other labels. The old Singles Club used to be put out 7"s by bigger, more established bands, and it is these releases that I have always been more interested in than the records by Sub Pop bands.

This 7" by Rocket From The Crypt was released as Sub Pop 154 in July 1992, and definitely fits into the 'bigger, more established bands' category. I've wanted for one of these for a few years, and even though it has never been particularly hard to get, I just haven't previously got around to going after one.

There were nearly 3,000 copies of this record, with all copies being on blue vinyl.

For some reason I've never been particularly interested in Rocket From The Crypt. I think it's partly because many years ago I went to some dude's house who had a lot of RFTC records, and even back then, some of them were quite rare and expensive. So I always had it in my head that they weren't worth trying to get into. But listening to this 7" and I think I could really get into them. This record is very addictive. I've been playing it this past week and it gets better every time, to the point where I played it today and as soon as it finished I put it on again. 2024 seems like a ridiculous time to start getting interested in this band for the first time, but at this point it seems pretty much unavoidable.

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