Monday 13 May 2024


Another of my favourite releases from last year for which I have just picked up the vinyl is the third full length album by Baltimore band Liars Academy, titled 'Ghosts'. I have been listenind to this band since their first album dropped on Equal Vision Records back in 2001, and prior to this it had been nineteen years since they last released anything. So I was intrigued to check this out when it came out at the beginning of last year.

This was put out by a label I was not previously familiar with, Steadfast Records, and they have also reissued a couple of other Liars Academy records on vinyl for the first time (more on those later). There were 150 copies of this one on clear blue vinyl, which I think goes quite nicely with the cover art.

I was also stoked to be able to pick up a test press from the label's store. It comes in a numbered sleeve and is signed by the band members.

Discogs categorises this band as indie rock / post hardcore, which is vaguely accurate. I originally gave them a chance because a couple of the dudes in the band used to be in a band called Cross My Heart who I used to love in years gone by, but I imagine that probably isn't a useful reference point to most people reading this. Anyway, the point is that Liars Academy play music that is melodic and you can sing along to, and this is a really good record. Unfortnately, however, just like the Drain LP from last year, this record also features a pointless and irritating cover song which is included as the second to last song. It's a cover of 'Changes' by Black Sabbath, which is a song I feel that I could happily never hear again in my whole life (and yes, that includes the Sabbath version). So I have to skip this sone every time I listen to this re ord, which midly irritates me. Being a bit more positive for a second though, the song 'Without a Warning' is probably the best song I heard last year, which more than makes up for the cover song issue.

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