Friday 17 May 2024

Lazy Cowgirls

So far 2024 has been the year of the Sub Pop 7", as I made a goal of collecting as many of the first 200 releases as possible. This one is another record by a band I had never heard (or heard of) before, The Lazy Cowgirls.

This 7" was released in September 1989 as Sub Pop 43. There were 2,000 copies pressed, with half on clear vinyl and half on black. No prizes for guessing which version I wanted.

I love that a record like this just wouldn't get released today. It contains two songs, one on each side. We get 'Loretta' on Side A, and 'Hybrid Moments' (a Misfits cover) on Side B. In total the songs run for just over one and a half minutes each. I love how short records look, especially when pressed on colour vinyl. As you can see from the photos, there is a lot of dead wax in the centre, which looks kinda cool, right?

It seems The Lazy Cowgirls were an LA band active from 1983 to 2004. Given that I only really have one and a half minutes to assess them, I'm not really sure what they're like. There's not really enough here to get me too excited, but this is a damn cool little 7", partly for the novelty factor of a 3 minute record with the classic Sub Pop layout and labels.

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