Tuesday 30 July 2024

Think I Care

Until now I had never really been overly interested in the band Think I Care. I'm not exactly sure why, but I guess it's simply that nothing ever really drew me to them. But as often happens, sometimes I get my head turned by a nice looking record. Not long after I picked up the spray painted cover version of the first Annihilation Time LP, I also stumbled onto a spray painted cover version of the first Think I Care LP on the same label (Dead Alive Records). It was pretty cheap, so I figured I'd pick it up to add to the set.

Just like the Anihilation Time LP, there were only 50 of these made, and the colour of the spray painted bits varies. Most of the copies I have seen use a single colour of paint (like the blue one on discogs), so I feel pretty stoked to have one that someone decided to take a little more time on.

This originally came out back in 2003, so I have successfully managed to ignore this band for over twenty years now. After listening to them for the first time, it's exactly the kind of thing I would have liked back in the 00s, so it seems crazy that I ignored it. Interestingly, this record was recently reissued by Triple B (on various colours of splatter vinyl) so I'm not sure if the band has got back together or whether this is now so influential or sought after that there needs to be 1,000 more copies in the world. But it seems that maybe I managed to snag this at just the right time.


Hop said...

Yep they’ve just started playing shows again

Mike said...

Great looking cover! I've never really chased TIC records, but this one makes me wish that I had.