Tuesday 15 August 2023

The Struggle

A couple of weeks back some dude on instagram was selling records. I asked for the list and saw a small number of things that I was half interested in. I might not have bothered with them if they were overseas, but given these things were in the UK, it somehow made them more attractive.

I own one copy of the first Warzone LP on Fist Records, which irritates me as it's a third press with the crappy 8 bit font on the back cover. I always hoped I'd get a first press but still haven't got around to it. But I also always liked the later Fist/Caroline press with the '2 girls' label. So I bought this one basically just for the labels.

There's a misprinted version of this label that lists 'Don't Forget The Struggle' and 'Don't Forget The Streets' as two different songs. I was kinda hoping this would be one of those but sadly not.

Approximately one day after buying a few bits from this dude's list, another copy of this record that I was looking for appeared for sale on discogs which was also in the UK at (rarely for discogs) a fair price. So I bought that one too.

This is the only colour of the Revelation pressing of this LP that I was missing, the 2nd press clear blue vinyl. I made a conscious decision to not buy any of the Rev reissues of this LP back when it came out, and then of course once 3 pressings and 4 colours had long sold out, I decided that I wanted to collect them. Sometimes I think I subconsciously make it hard for myself on purpose to give me something to do.

Kinda funny that I bought two copies of this record within 24 hours of each other. This is how it is at the moment. I find myself picking up whatever falls in front of me, rather than targetting things that I really want. But that's how hardcore record shopping has always been for me. It's about grabbing whatever's there that probably won't be there tomorrow.

1 comment:

Nico said...

I picked up two Faith LP's in the span of a day.