Tuesday 16 November 2021

City Of 1500 Hopes

This first thing to say here is that is a milestone post. This is post number 1,500 that I have made on this blog since I started it back in February 2008. This month marks the 165th month since I started this blog, which means I have averaged 9 posts a month (or one post every 3.3 days) for 13.75 years. As ever, such stats seem crazy to think about. 'Where has the time gone?' and 'why the hell am I still doing this?' are the most obvious questions, neither of which seem particularly easy to answer right now.

Anyway, my friend Kyle used to sing for a band called The Damage Done. They were mainly active at a time when I was slightly out of touch with hardcore, so I missed out on them. But I decided to start listening to the band and collecting their records a few years ago. There are four 7" releases, with numerous vinyl colours and different covers for each and these days they are quite cheap to buy, so it seemed like a fun band to collect.

Well I reached a point where I was starting to build a pretty good collection, so I sent Kyle a photo of what I had. He then replied to let me know that he could help me with a couple of the colours that I was missing for the final 7" ('City Of Hope') that was relased on his label, Rivalry Records. He said he'd dig them out a couple of the transition colours at some point when he went to his storage unit. Fast forward several months, and I reminded him of this, and a few weeks later he made good on his word. I was missing the blue vinyl and orange vinyl versions, and he made sure that those holes in my collection were filled. I assumed he would send me a couple of copies of each, but when the package arrived there were a few more than I expected:

Each time I look at this photo I feel that I didn't manage to lay the orange copies out in quite the right order. But I still think it makes for a pretty cool photo regardless.

I figured that this was as good a record to mark the 1500th post because I think it kinda sums up the crazy, fun and endless nature of record collecting in one photo. But also it represents the social aspect rather well too. I have a few good friends spread across the world due to my passion for pieces of round plastic, and I just love how everyone is happy to help each other out if they can. And I guess that really answers the question I asked in the first paragraph. Why the hell am I still doing this? Because it still gives me some sense of enjoyment, which is largely due to the social aspect. So thanks to everyone I call a friend who maintains an interest in collecting records and helps me realise I am not alone.


geoff said...

that is one of the best transition pics of vinyl i've seen. the only other one at that level i can think of is the GUK 7" on contrast records.

Mike said...

Congrats on 1,500! Glad that you are keeping up this pointless exercise. That group photo is AMAZING!

Ralf said...

Congratulations. Here’s to the next 1,500 posts!

Nico said...

Congratulations, quite a milestone!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. There are quite a few of us who silently read and enjoy your blog. Bummed when you leave off for a while and happy when you are back in the swing of it!

mcs said...

Thanks, Anonymous. I generally only leave off for a while when I run out of things to post. Summer was pretty quiet but I have a lot of stuff I'm trying to get up before the end of the year, so it should be pretty active for the next month or so.

KEDS said...
