Friday 19 April 2024

Red Screaming LIfe

I've been pretty obsessed by Soundgarden lately, due to both my nostaligic interest in older Sub Pop releases, as well as finally getting into their 'Superunknown' album, which I found boring when it came out and never went back to. So I have been hitting up disogs and eBay hoping to find records that I don't have at a good price... which seems increasingly unlikely these days.

Well, I got lucky a couple of weeks ago when I saw a record listed badly on eBay. The title of the auction and the picture of the record did not match. I watched the item and, with two days to go on the auction, I messaged the seller to ask which record was for sale - was it the one described by the text, or the one shown in the photo? He replied to say thatthe picture was wrong, and let me know that he had changed the picture for the correct one. However, when I checked the auction, there was only one photo, and it did not show the record itself. It showed only the cover. And there was a little less than two days to go. So I watched it and did a last second bid, and it turned out that I was the only bidder and got this for around half of what it usually sells for.

This is a red vinyl pressing of the 'Screaming Life EP'. The record was originally released October 1987 as Sub Pop SP12. This clear red copy is a slightly later pressing, probably pressed around 1991/2 ish.

There were 5 different colours from this pressing, and I now have three of them. Realistically I can't expect to get all 5 as one of them seems uber rare.

There is still an orange vinyl first pressing that I can hope to find one day, but only if I can get it for a fair price, which is unlikely. But not impossible, based on this score. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Those three colored vinyl look so good together.