A few short weeks ago I was struggling to decide what to listen to, so I set iTunes to 'shuffle'. Quite often it will throw up some interesting stuff that I'm not too familiar with, or potentially something that I had forgotten about. And on that day it delivered something that I hadn't listened to in a long time - a song from the first Onelinedrawing LP 'Visitor'. This came out in 2002 on Jade Tree at a time when I bought pretty much everything that the label released. In 2001 I was really into the band Far and so I was lapping up everything that Jonah did. I loved the New End Original LP that came out in 2001, and so when this record came out I didn't hesitate to pick it up.
Well, when the song came on a few weeks ago I Immediately ended up playing the full record. And then the second record. And suddenly it was back on the daily playlist. So of course I went to discogs and found that the Jade Tree albums were both repressed in 2022 on new colours. But I also found that the original pressings sell for practically nothing. So I decided to pick up this original clear vinyl copy of 'Visitor' mainly because it was cheap.
As I mentioned in my semi recent posts for the Explosion and Trial By Fire LPs, Jade Tree used to commonly press two colours of each release, and here I am 20+ years later buying the second colours of some of these records for no good reason. So this record joins the ranks of Jade Tree releases that I now own two copies of, and I'm sure it won't be the last.