Sunday 19 November 2023


Back at the start of 2022 I took a 3 month journey back into the world of pop punk, and it was a nice reminder of how great some of those bands were (are). It also got me to thinking about some of the records from the early 90s that I used to want but never got around to picking up. A few months later and one of them fell right in front of me when I was pulling that old 'what else has this seller got for sale?' scam on discogs. You know how it works.

The 'Brouhaha' 7" compilation came out in 1991 on a label called Piggly Wiggly Records, best known for releasing this 7" and precisely nothing else. It's never been a particularly hard record to find, although the pink vinyl copies are the limited version and I never really found one for a price I wanted to pay until recently. I also got lucky because this one is in absolutely mint condition.

Back at the end of the 80s & start of the 90s there was probably a new compilation record coming out every other week. This 7" is a great example of how common and cool compilations used to be. On here we have 4 bands of the era who are all interesting in their own way. The record kicks off with Jawbreaker performing 'Caroline' (which I think was exclusive to this record until they released 'Etc' in 2002), and then we get both Cringer and Monsula covering each other's songs, and the fourth band is Nuisance, who are probably less well known but equally as great.

Overall this is a great little 7". Largely pointless in 2023, but cool to have nonetheless.

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