Wednesday 13 April 2022

Plaid Retina

Back from my latest trip to California, back to real life, and back to this blog. So far this year I've mainly been listening to old pop punk records from the early 90s, and whilst I still have a few of those records to get through, I also have a few more things that I picked up on my trip that I am keen to get to. So hopefully I can devote a little more time to this thing this month and start to crunch through the backlog of records on my floor.

Today's entry is an album by Plaid Retina. I mainly gave this one a chance becuase it's on Lookout! Records. This LP is titled 'Pink Eye' and was released as Lookout! Records number 20 in 1989.

All copies were on black vinyl, which to me represents a wasted opportunity, because if there was ever a record that was crying out to be pressed on colour vinyl, then this is it. A nice pink vinyl would have been absoltely perfect. Oh well.

Now I do realise that I'm pretty late to this record. After all, it came out 33 years ago. And what I like about it is that the sound kinda dates it, but in a good way. To my ears, this sounds like a mix between early Descendents ('Milo Goes To College' era) and later (Rollins) era Black Flag. This would definitely have sounded at home on an early Santa Cruz or H-Street skateboard video. Definitely a great find for me this year, even though I could probably have listened to this at any point in the last 30 years. Still, it's where you finish, not where you start, right?

1 comment:

Mike said...

I've never listened to this band, but your description has me interested.