Wednesday 16 February 2022

Make The Collector Nerd Sweat

I'm still riding the nostalgic pop punk train, and today's post is a compilation from the end of the 80s which includes an interesting selection of bands. For some reason, this one was released as a 10" record (ugh!), but size aside, this is a pretty nice and interesting release. Put out by Very Small Records in 1989, this one is called 'Make The Collector Nerd Sweat'. I assume it is titled this because there were lots of different versions made. As of today, there are 5 different versions listed on discogs, although the copy I've just picked up isn't one of them. I also found 3 more on popsike. So there were at least 9 different versions, and quite possibly more. By today's standards that may seem relatively normal, but in 1989 we were still in a world where generally most records were pressed on black with maybe a couple of hundred on colour vinyl for mailorder. So the title makes sense to me on that level. But also, I'm guessing that the title may also be a reference to the fact that this is yet another compilation of bay area punk bands, of which there seem to be a lot from this era. Back then comps were a good way for people to hear new bands without shelling out for a record, as there was no internet and it was hard to check bands out without paying actual money. And I guess there were a lot of bands in that scene. So I imagine there was a new record coming out every other week, which made it hard for those interested to keep up.

Anyway, this one contains 10 songs. The most well known bands on it (these days at least) are Jawbreaker & The Offspring, but it also features some (nowadays) second tier bands of the day such as Samiam, Crimpshrine, & The Mr. T Experience. And then filling out the other half of the record are the less well known bands such as The Lookouts, Plaid Retina, Crummy Musicians (!), Coffee & Donuts, and The Wrong. I don't really know why I have bothered to type all of these band names out when I am posting a pic of the back cover, but never mind.

It's also interesting that all the colour vinyl copies of this one come on various splatter colours. Interesting because splatter vinyl was super rare back then. And this one looks good. Not like the modern dog sick stuff that clogs my instagram feed on a daily basis. This record also features some cool packagaing - the cover folds out into a poster size thing, and as was the norm with comps like this, it comes with a booklet with a page devoted to each band.

Overall a nice item, and one that I always used to kinda want back in the day, but one never really fell in front of me. So glad to have one eventually on what I consider to be the best colour it exists on (that we know of).

1 comment:

Mike said...

That colored vinyl looks amazing!