Saturday, 10 October 2015

I've Heard It Before

It's been a little over a year since I added a Black Flag record to my collection. The last one was a gold vinyl copy of the 'Six Pack' 7". And my latest is another copyof the same record, but this one is on baby blue vinyl.

This one was a tough find. I started trying to collect the colour vinyl Flag 7"s in 2013 after (pretty much) completing the colour vinyl 12" collection and this copy was the first I saw for sale in two and a half years. It was worth the wait too, as this copy is in really great condition.

I'm now only one 7" away from a complete colour 7" collection. The last one I need, however, seems to be stupidly rare. I only know that it exists as a fellow collector emailed me a picture which he had grabbed from popsike. It's the 'Six Pack' 7" (again!) on clear blue. It looks like this:

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone reading this has one of these and would sell or trade it then please get in touch. I'm sure we can work out a deal.

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