I don't like hip hop. Never have. As a great man once said "it says nothing to me about my life". So when I heard that everyone's favourite wigger band Cold World had teamed up with some hip hop dude to make a record, I was not on the list of people who gave a monkeys. But then I saw some video clip that previewed the song and I found it catchy. Plus I liked the way that it was being compared to the 'Judgment Night' soundtrack from 1993, mainly because I can't imagine that anyone who would be into either Cold World or Sean Price would have heard of it.
This red one is the first press of 300 copies:

The song also comes packaged with 5 other crapper and pointless remixes of the same song, like one version with the curse words skillfully edited out, one with no vocals at all, and three without Cold World featuring at all.

You also get some futuristic 3 dimensional goggles so that you can see the mysterious picture on the front better.
I would also advise checking out the video of the song on youtube if you're a fan of the shirts off big belly mosh dance.
I'm into Cold World AND into Judgment night OST. I also bought the OST on vinyl when it was (re?)pressed last year and I've seen the movie twice.
Even though it's pretty bad.
I saw the movie when it came out. I remember the movie being a HUGE let down after all the hype of the soundtrack. I even watched the trailer for it last night when I wrote this post. It looked worse than I remembered. Having Dennis Leary as the big bad gangster seemed like a piss poor choice to me. Completely unrealistic that anyone could be so scared as to spend the whole night running away from that dude, least of all Cuba Gooding Jr. I think even I would front up to Dennis Leary.
The soundtrack seemed alright when it came out but I also rechecked that out again recently. I think Onyx & Biohazard is probably the best song. I seemed to like the Helmet & House Of Pain song back in the day, but it sounds corny as fuck now.
I love that soundtrack too. I just picked up a copy last year. OG. The movie sucks .. imo, but the soundtrack is amazing!
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