Sunday, 5 May 2019

Departed Souls

It's always a nice surprise when a band you're into announces a new record without any notice. Such was the case when a new Magic Circle LP was put up for pre-order back in mid March. I'm don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of new releases anyway, but it was still a big surprise to find out that a new LP was about to drop.

I was really into the first LP back in 2013 and loved the 2nd LP in 2016, so I was keen to get the new one. So when the pre-order went up I made sure to order right away so I didn't miss out.

At the point I got sent the link, a friend told me that the most limited colour (white) was already sold out. But when I clicked it was still there. Whether I was lucky or maybe he didn't figure out how the store works, I'm not sure, but I was still relieved when it turned up.

There was also a green with gold vinyl copy available. At the point of order I wasn't sure whether to buy one or not, but in the end decided it would be 'safer' to pick one up. There are 440 copies of this colour, compared with only 10 of the white, but this seems a much more fitting colour as it matches the cover better.

I think this is probably the first new release of 2019 that I have picked up, and it's a pretty good one. It's only been out for just over a month, but I've played it pretty much every day so far. This is very reminiscent of the first LP, which I played a lot when it came out, and which I still return to now and again. The second LP, 'Journey Blind' grabbed me at first, but didn't quite have the staying power. So far this one reminds me more of the first than the second. The songs are a little slower and it took longer to get into, but once it started to take hold the addiction grew, and now it's all I can do to not listen to it. Ultimately time will tell where this one will rank, but right now this is all I am interested in listening to.

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