So here's a record that I saw in America recently and didn't buy - a purple vinyl 2020 repress of Negative Approach's 'Tied Down' LP.
'But why would you say that you didn't buy it when clearly you did?' I hear you ask. Well, this was one of those occasions where I saw this for sale in a shop and decided not to buy it, and then realised a couple of days later that I was still thinking about it and therefore clearly did want it after all.
So after I got home and I still had it on my mind I checked on discogs and found a UK seller with a copy available, so I did what I clearly wanted to do a few days earlier and bought it.
The funny thing here is that I bought the green vinyl pressing of this back in 2020, and I just reread the post I made about it, and it is pretty much exactly the same story. Here is a quote from that post:
I was in Boston at the end of last year, and in Newbury Comics I had found a small stack of records I wanted to buy... but then, one by one, I put most of them back into the racks as I didn't really want to spend the money that day. One of them was a green vinyl repress of the 'Tied Down' LP by Negative Approach, and I put it back on the basis that it was a repress that I could probably live without... but then, as time has gone on, I have continually seen pictures of it popping up and found myself wishing that I had bought it after all.So there we go... four and a half years later and I have seemingly learnt absolutely nothing.