Thursday, 28 February 2008

Sub Pop Revisited

I used to listen to a few of the early Sub Pop bands way back when. Recently I've been picking up a few of those records on the cheap. As I was surfing ebay, I stumbled across the Nirvana split 7" with The Fluid. I had never heard The Fluid before, so I checked them out on myspace & thought they were pretty cool. I then managed to pick up a couple of albums for a reasonable price on ebay.

Cracked Black Paper LP on purple:

Roadmouth LP on grey:

I also picked up a Velocity Girl 7" I didn't have from the same seller:

1 comment:

Handsome Pete said...

I didn't realize you were a Sub Pop fiend as well.

One of my long-term projects is to pick up all of the compact disc releases.

I'm also working on Teen Beat and Simple Machines as well. Unrelated? Somewhat. I'll blame Velocity Girl.

Either way. I love repurchasing a lot of this stuff from middle and high school.